Prayer Ministry
During each of our services and at our small group gatherings, we offer prayer to those who have various needs. Prayer can be seen as a mysterious or intimidating experience for those who have not had much experience with it, so we do our best to make it as simple and comfortable for everyone who comes.
The Vineyard Model for Prayer Ministry
Those who offer prayer in our church have been trained to pray in a safe, loving way as Jesus models for us in the gospels. Here’s a brief summary of the Vineyard 5-step Prayer Model, a tool that has been used all over the world by different denominations to help God’s people participate in what God is doing in people’s lives.
Step 1: The Interview
We start off by asking: “How can I pray for you?” We like to keep this part brief, so we can spend more time praying than talking. Often times, the less information we have the more room we allow for God to speak.
Step 2: Quiet Listening
Our goal in praying for people is not to simply say nice sounding words, but to discern the heart of God in the moment for whomever we are praying for. Before we start praying, we often take time to listen quietly the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Step 3: Prayer offered in Faith
Jesus prayed simply. Jesus laid his hands on sick, and spoke a simple words of command or encouragement that brought significant restoration and healing to everyone he prayed for. We pray with an expectation that God is at work in every individual.

Step 4: Check-in
As we pray, people often experience a sense of God’s presence. Some may feel peace, warmth, tingling, or receive impressions from God. Often, feelings of pain will dissipate as well. While we pray, we like to ask questions of the person, such as “What’s going on?” or “Do you sense anything?” It builds faith when we notice what we see God doing.
Step 5: Post-prayer Encouragement
After the prayer session, we often encourage people to take some practical next steps to continue on the road to wholeness. Often the healing process takes time.
If you have any prayer needs you would want us to pray for, please email
Healing Prayer
The King of Prussia Vineyard offers Extended Healing Prayer sessions with a trained team of 2 or 3 prayer ministers. These sessions are currently reserved for church members or those regularly attending a small group. Please click the link below for more information and the required intake paperwork. A referral from your pastor, small group leader, or ministry leader is required.
We look forward to meeting with you.